
With this data protection notice, we would like to inform you about the processing of personal data in the context of the use of our website.

Responsible person

Responsible for this website is:
Desk-Net GmbH
Falkenried 74a
20251 Hamburg


Data protection officer:

We have appointed a data protection officer for our company. You can reach him at

We collect the following personal data

When you visit our website, the following data is processed by us: 

  • The IP address of the inquiring computer 
  • Date and time of retrieval 
  • Language of the browser software

After 7 days at the latest, the IP address is deleted from all systems. After that, a personal reference is no longer possible.

Purpose of data processing 

We use the personal data you actively communicate to us only for the agreed purpose and only to the extent necessary.

We process the above-mentioned data for the following purposes:

  • To ensure a smooth connection of the website
  • Guarantee of a comfortable use of our website
  • Evaluation of system security and stability
  • For other administrative purposes

Legal basis of the data processing 

When you visit our website, we process personal data on the basis of the following legal principles:

  • Consent (Art. 6 (1a) DSGV) 
  • for the performance of contracts (Art. 6 (1b) DSGVO)
  • to fulfill a legal obligation (Art. 6 (1c) DSGVO)
  • on the basis of a balancing of interests (Art. 6 (1f) DSGVO)

The legal basis on which we refer to in individual cases can be found in the information on the respective processing.

In case of consent, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future.

If we process data on the basis of a weighing up of interests, you as the person concerned have the right to object to the processing under the provisions of Art. 21 DSGVO.

Recipients or categories of recipients

Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties for purposes other than those listed below.

We only pass on your personal data to third parties if:

  • you have given your express consent,
  • the disclosure is necessary to assert, exercise or defend legal claims and there is no reason to assume that you have an overriding interest worthy of protection in not disclosing your data,
  • in the event that there is a legal obligation to pass them on, and
  • this is legally permissible and necessary for the processing of contractual relationships with you.

Transfer to a third country or international organization 

An active transfer to a third country or a transfer to an international organization does not take place. Exceptions to this rule can be found in this privacy policy of the integrated third-party providers listed below. 

Storage period

As a matter of principle, we delete your data when there is no longer any need to store them. This is especially the case if the data is required to fulfill contractual services or to grant or avert warranty or guarantee claims.

Google API Access

Users can connect their personal Kordiam accounts with their Google accounts.

The Desk-Net GmbH only collects the following data from the user's account:

  • Files selected and uploaded by the user
  • Links to files selected and uploaded by the user

Your rights

If a user's personal data is processed, he or she is a "data subject" within the meaning of the DSGVO. He is entitled to the following rights against us as the person responsible:

  • Right to information
  • Right of correction or deletion 
  • Right to limit processing
  • Right to data transferability
  • Right to object to the processing

To exercise the listed rights, please contact the contact person in charge of data protection at

Revocation of a consent

If you have given us your consent for data processing, you have the right to revoke it at any time. Please address the revocation of consent to

Complaint to a supervisory authority

If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates data protection regulations, you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority.

Contact details

If you send us a message via our contact form, we will use the data you provide to process your request. In the case of concrete inquiries, the data will be processed to fulfill a contract or to initiate a contract. For all other inquiries due to a legitimate interest in answering your request. 

Alternatively, it is possible to contact us via our e-mail address. In this case, your data transmitted with the e-mail will be stored.

Legal basis: Art. 6 (1b) DSGVO, or Art. 6 (1f) DSGVO


When you visit our website, small text files (cookies) are stored on your computer. Some cookies are deleted at the end of your visit (session cookies). Other cookies remain on your end device until you delete them. This makes it possible to recognize the user in order to personalize the website. You can use your web browser to customize the use of cookies as you wish. Under certain circumstances, this may mean that our website can only be used to a limited extent.

Cookies are used on the basis of a weighing of interests (necessary cookies) or on the basis of consent. As the operator of our website, we have a legitimate interest in the use of cookies to ensure a user-friendly visit.

Purpose of data processing: Proper and functional provision of our website

Legal basis: § 26 TTDSG, Art. 6 (1a) DSGVO and Art. 6 (1f) DSGVO

Google Analytics (Consent)

We use the tracking tool Google Analytics on our website. In Google Analytics, interactions of the user of our website are generally recorded and systematically evaluated with the help of cookies. When individual pages of our website are called up, the following data is stored:

  • The called up website
  • Time spent on the website
  • Frequency of the website visit
  • Three bytes of the IP address of the user's calling system (anonymized IP address)
  • The website from which the user has reached the page called up on our website (referrer)
  • The subpages that are called from the called page

Google Analytics is configured to mask the last octet of the IP address. This means that the IP address is not saved completely. As a result, it is no longer possible to assign the shortened IP address to the calling computer or terminal device of the user.

The processing of the user's personal data by means of Google Analytics enables us to analyze the surfing behavior of our users in order to improve our website and its usability. By evaluating the data obtained, we can compile information on the use of the individual contents of our website. 

The data stored by tracking is deleted after fourteen months. 

You have the possibility to revoke your consent to the presented data processing by using Google Analytics at any time. To do so, click on the button "Change cookie settings" at the bottom of the page. In our Cookie Consent Manager, you can then change your current settings by unchecking the "Marketing" box.

The consent is given via the so-called cookie banner by placing a checkmark in the Marketing field after calling up the cookie details.

Purpose of data processing: Evaluation of statistics to optimize the website

Legal basis: Art. 6 Abs. 1 a DSGVO 


We use the tracking tool This tool is used to record randomly selected visits. It is only used with prior consent, through the cookie banner. 

This is done exclusively with anonymized IP address and allows us to use cookies to evaluate the way our website is used. A visual and pseudonymized user profile is created for this purpose. No personal data will be collected, processed or used. 

If you wish to object to this consent, you will find the instructions for doing so here: All further information on data protection at can be found here:

Purpose of data processing: Evaluation of statistics to optimize the website

Legal basis: Art. 6 Abs. 1 a DSGVO


We use the services of "Cloudflare" (provider: Cloudflare, Inc., 101 Townsend St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA) on our website. Cloudflare operates a content delivery network (CDN) and provides protection functions for the website (web application firewall). The data transfer between your browser and our servers flows through Cloudflare's infrastructure and is analyzed there to prevent attacks. Cloudflare uses cookies for this purpose to enable you to access our website. The use of Cloudflare is in the interest of a safe use of our Internet presence and the defense of harmful attacks from the outside. For more information, please see the Cloudflare privacy policy:
The following information is collected:

  • IP address
  • Date, time of the call of the Internet presence

The aforementioned data is processed by us for the following purposes:

  • Investigation for the pursuit of disturbances or misuse of our online offers or telecommunication services and equipment and to improve the performance of our Internet presence.

Purpose of data processing: protection against malfunctions and misuse as well as improvement of the website
Legal basis: Art. 6 (1f) DSGVO

Gartner Digital Markets

We use a pixel from "Gartner Digital Markets" (provider: Gartner, Inc., 56 Top Gallant Road, Stamford, CT 06902 USA) on our website. We use this pixel to track who clicks on certain buttons on our website coming from Gartner Digital Markets (software review pages). In simple terms, we place ads on Gartner Digital Markets with the goal of having visitors come to our pages. Tracking helps us measure success. When people click, it shows that they are interested. For more information, please see the Gartner Privacy Policy:
The following information is collected:

  • IP address
  • Device ID
  • Campaign ID
  • Browser information (e.g. URL, browser type, pages visited, date and time the website was accessed).

The aforementioned data is processed by us for the following purposes:

  • Assistance with internal analyses of the origin of website visitors

Legal basis: legitimate business interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO.


On our website you have the ability to make appointments with us. We use the tool "Calendly" for booking appointments. The provider is Calendly LLC, 271 17th St NW, 10th Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30363, USA (hereinafter "Calendly").
For the purpose of booking an appointment, you enter the requested data and the desired date in the screen provided. The data entered will be used for the planning, execution and, if necessary, follow-up of the appointment. The appointment data is stored for us on the servers of Calendly, whose privacy policy you can view here:
The data you enter will remain with us until you request us to delete it, revoke your consent to store it, or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies. Mandatory legal provisions - in particular retention periods - remain unaffected.
Data transfer to the USA is based on the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission. Details can be found here:
As a website operator, we have a legitimate interest in making it as uncomplicated as possible to arrange appointments with interested parties and customers.

Purpose of data processing: uncomplicated appointment arrangement with interested parties and customers.
Legal basis: Art. 6 (1f) DSGVO


In order to protect input forms on our site, we use the service "reCAPTCHA" of the company Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4), hereinafter "Google". The use of this service makes it possible to distinguish whether the corresponding input is of human origin or misused by automated machine processing.
To our knowledge, the referrer URL, the IP address, the behavior of website visitors, information about the operating system, browser and dwell time, cookies, display instructions and scripts, the input behavior of the user, as well as mouse movements in the area of the "reCAPTCHA" checkbox are transmitted to "Google".
The IP address transmitted as part of "reCAPTCHA" is not merged with other data from Google, unless you are logged into your Google account at the time of using the "reCAPTCHA" plug-in. If you want to prevent this transmission and storage of data about you and your behavior on our website by "Google", you must log out of "Google" before you visit our site or use the reCAPTCHA plug-in.
The use of the service "reCAPTCHA" obtained information is in accordance with the Google Terms of Use:
As the site operator, we have a legitimate interest in determining whether the input is made by a human.

Purpose of data processing: Determining whether the entry is not made by machine.
Legal basis: Art. 6 (1f) DSGVO

Consent banner

On this website, we use a consent banner to obtain your consent to the storage of certain cookies on your terminal device or to the use of certain technologies and to document this in accordance with data protection law. The provider of this technology is: iubenda s.r.l, Via San Raffaele, 1 - 20121 Milan (Italy).
When you visit our website, the following personal data is transferred to the provider:

  • Your consent(s) or revocation of your consent(s).
  • Your IP address
  • Information about your browser
  • Information about your terminal device
  • Time of your visit to the website

Furthermore, we store a cookie in your browser in order to be able to assign the consent(s) given or their revocation to you. The data collected in this way is stored until you request us to delete it or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies. Mandatory legal storage obligations remain unaffected.
The use is made to obtain the legally required consent for the use of certain technologies.

Legal basis: Art. 6 (1c) DSGVO.

LinkedIn Insight Tag

This website uses the LinkedIn Insight Tag.The provider of this service is LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. With the help of the LinkedIn Insight Tag, we receive information about visitors to our website.If a website visitor is registered with LinkedIn, we can, among other things, analyze the key professional data (e.g. career level, company size, country, location, industry and job title) of our website visitors and thus better tailor our site to the respective target groups.We can also use LinkedIn Insight Tags to measure whether visitors to our websites make a purchase or take another action (conversion measurement).Conversion measurement can also be carried out across devices (e.g. from PC to tablet). LinkedIn Insight Tag also offers a retargeting function that we can use to display targeted advertising to visitors to our website outside the website, whereby, according to LinkedIn, no identification of the advertising addressee takes place. LinkedIn itself also collects log files (URL, referrer URL, IP address, device and browser properties and time of access).The IP addresses are shortened or (if they are used to reach LinkedIn members across devices) hashed (pseudonymized). The direct identifiers of LinkedIn members are deleted by LinkedIn after seven days. The remaining pseudonymized data is then deleted within 180 days.The data collected by LinkedIn cannot be assigned to specific individuals by us as the website operator.LinkedIn will store the personal data collected from website visitors on its servers in the USA and use it for its own advertising purposes. Details can be found in LinkedIn's privacy policy at

Purpose of data processing: effective marketing

Legal basis: Art. 6 (1a) DSGVO.


We have integrated videos from the "Vimeo" platform of the provider Vimeo Inc, Attention: Legal Department, 555 West 18th Street New York, New York 10011, USA. You can find Vimeo's privacy policy here:

If you have consented to data processing, a connection to Vimeo servers will be established. Vimeo will be informed which of our pages you have visited. If you are logged into your Vimeo account, Vimeo can assign your surfing behavior to you personally. You can prevent this by logging out of your Vimeo account beforehand. This data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interest in providing you with a modern service.

Purpose of data processing: integration of video content

Legal basis: Art. 6 (1a) DSGVO.


We use the CRM system "Pipedrive" (Pipedrive OÜ, Mustamäe tee 3a, 10615 Tallinn, Estonia) on our website. When contacting us (via the contact form), the user data is recorded and processed in Pipedrive. Pipedrive allows us to process and respond to requests and messages more quickly. For this purpose, data is transferred to Pipedrive and stored on Pipedrive servers. We use the Pipedrive CRM system from the provider Pipedrive OÜ on the basis of our legitimate interests (efficient and fast processing of user inquiries, existing customer management, new customer business).

You can access Pipedrive's privacy policy here: Further information on data protection at Pipedrive can also be found at

Social media

We operate profiles on the following networks: 

Data may be processed outside the European Union.

Data processing by us 

All data that you enter on our social network profiles (e.g.: comments, pictures, private messages, etc.) are published by the platform operators and are used by us exclusively for the following purposes. The legitimate interest is based on public relations and a contemporary information and interaction possibility with our visitors.

Legal basis: Art. 6 Abs. 1 f DSGVO

Data processing by the platform operators

When our profiles are called up, data is processed by the platform operator. In which form this happens, is not influenceable and not visible for us. The procedure, however, usually depends on whether you yourself are registered with the platform. It is possible that the providers process the data outside of the EU, so that we cannot guarantee a data protection compliant procedure according to the DSGVO.

Further information on data processing by the individual platform operators can be found in their privacy policy:

Purpose of data processing: fast and effective processing of contact requests

Legal basis: Art. 6 (1f) DSGVO.

Amendment of this privacy notice

This data protection notice will be updated regularly if necessary. You will find the current version on our website.