Coordinate the daily story flow, plan across days and editions or months in advance.

Story list

Master the daily story flow

The Story List is designed for those who need to coordinate dozens or hundreds of stories each day.

Which platforms will your stories run on? What’s the workflow status? What time will they publish? Who is working on a story and are there any delays?

Manage the complexities of your planning in one central location and ensure you have the right content mix throughout the day.

Master the daily story flow

The Story List is designed for those who need to coordinate dozens or hundreds of stories each day.

Which platforms will your stories run on? What’s the workflow status? What time will they publish? Who is working on a story and are there any delays? Manage the complexities of your planning in one central location and ensure you have the right content mix throughout the day.


Story List from Kordiam gives you the overview you need for the daily story planning
Kordiam's story list is highly flexible assign custom fields

Custom fields

Audiences? User needs? Manage it all

Gone are the days when you could simply report or communicate what happened. Now, you need to think more about which topics fit the right audience and user needs. 

Create custom fields to plan for specific audiences and tailor Kordiam to match the way your team works.

Short-term planning

Plan stories over days or issues

Planning in advance lays the foundation for daily content success.

With Kordiam, you can see multiple days or issues side by side — even across channels with different publication frequencies. Or, cut through the clutter by viewing only the days you have content set to publish.

Ideal for planning digital, print and weekly newsletters.

Short-term content planning with Kordiam

High-speed newsrooms

Save clicks and time

Breaking news forces you to change your content plan for the day? Move your stories in Kordiam to the next day or time slot with a single click and edit data right in the list. 

Monthly content calendar

Spot the gaps

The calendar view provides you with a high-level overview of your stories scheduled for the month. Spot the gaps in your plan and take action to fill them.

Extensive filtering options make sure you only see what is necessary, whether it’s per platform, story status or more.

Monthly content calendar view in Kordiam
Story list with undated stories for content planning in Kordiam

Undated Stories

See scheduled and undated stories together

Stop toggling between multiple views and see both scheduled and undated stories together. Review new undated stories and then choose which to include within your publication schedule.

With all stories accessible in one place, editors can quickly strategize, prioritize and allocate resources — ensuring a more streamlined and organized approach to content creation and publication.

Get your 30-day free trial today!