About Kordiam

What is Kordiam?

Kordiam is a cloud-based application that helps our customers coordinate editorial processes.

The focus is on planning and coordination workflows whereas established content management systems are mainly used for handling and publishing content.

Kordiam covers mainly these three functional areas:

  • Content planning across any number of platforms
  • Management of editorial appointments such as press conferences
  • Coordination of internal as well as external staff

Is Kordiam a Content Management System?

Kordiam is not a content management system (CMS).

A CMS' purpose is to allow you to create and handle content and to publish it on a website or on other platforms.

Kordiam handles not so much the actual content, but planning and meta-data related to managing an editorial department. 

Using Kordiam's API you can however connect Kordiam to any number of content management systems (or other systems).

Who uses Kordiam?

Kordiam is being used by a very broad range of media and non-media companies in about a dozen countries worldwide. Users from around the world access Kordiam every day.

The number of users per customer ranges from one to more than a thousand users in aggregate with the biggest single newsroom using Kordiam counting over 1,600 users.

Our customers mainly come from these industries:

  • News industry (online & print): We found our first customers in the news industry with newsrooms ranging from small local newspaper via regionals to renowned national publishers.
  • Magazine & specialty publishers: At some point more and more publishers from these two industry segments started approaching us. Today we are happy to work for both very small as well as very large magazine and specialty publishers.
  • Content marketing: The rise of content marketing meant that non-media companies started to face the same or at least similar challenges as media companies. As a consequence we started to provide Kordiam to mid-sized and large non-media companies.

Please also check out our Customer page that provides with a sample list of our customers.

Technical Questions

How secure is my data?

Implementing and running a secure system requires a large set of skills, standards and technologies. While we cannot go into all details the following information may help you understand why renowned publishers and international brands entrust us their data:

  • We have to adhere to German and EU data protection laws - some of the, if not the strictest data protection laws in the world. These laws regulate to a large degree how we as a company are allowed to handle your data.
  • We employ a dedicated team of Quality Assurance personnel. On average we have a ratio of one QA staffer to three developers.
  • Our technical team is certified according to the security and quality standards ISO 9001 and 27001.
  • Your data is stored in world-class data centers in the EU.
  • The data transmission to and from our servers is SSL secured.

Please contact us at support@kordiam.io should you have more detailed questions about our data security.

What's Kordiam's uptime?

We publish our current uptime plus historical data for up to three months openly on the web on our Uptime page.

By far the most downtime is scheduled and announced downtime.

Can Kordiam be connected to other systems such as a CMS?

Yes, you can connect Kordiam with other systems by either

In case you have questions about integration possibilities or want to know if we have already connected Kordiam to certain systems please contact us at support@kordiam.io.

Need more help?

Please contact us