Kordiam pricing — simple plans for teams of all sizes!
Unlimited freelancers
Manage any number of freelancers (with restricted access) at no extra costs.
Support: Portal and email
- Phone support
- Additional training sessions
- Possibility of custom integrations
- Access restriction to company network
- Backup of content in xls format
- SAML: Azure AD, Okta, ADFS and Google SSO
- Stronger password security requirements
- Shorter session time-outs
- Allocation of user profiles to internal cost centers
Up to 5 users
Unlimited freelancers
Manage any number of freelancers (with restricted access) at no extra costs.
One free web training
Support: Portal and email
- Phone support
- Additional training sessions
- Possibility of custom integrations
- Access restriction to company network
- Backup of content in xls format
- SAML: Azure AD, Okta, ADFS and Google SSO
- Stronger password security requirements
- Shorter session time-outs
- Allocation of user profiles to internal cost centers
6-20 users
Unlimited freelancers
Manage any number of freelancers (with restricted access) at no extra costs.
Two free web trainings
On-premise training available in most European countries.
Support: Portal and email
- Phone support
- Additional training sessions
- Possibility of custom integrations
- Access restriction to company network
- Backup of content in xls format
- SAML: Azure AD, Okta, ADFS and Google SSO
- Stronger password security requirements
- Shorter session time-outs
- Allocation of user profiles to internal cost centers
21-40 users
Unlimited freelancers
Manage any number of freelancers (with restricted access) at no extra costs.
Two free web trainings
On-premise training available in most European countries.
Support: Portal and email
- Phone support
- Additional training sessions
- Possibility of custom integrations
- Access restriction to company network
- Backup of content in xls format
- SAML: Azure AD, Okta, ADFS and Google SSO
- Stronger password security requirements
- Shorter session time-outs
- Allocation of user profiles to internal cost centers
41-60 users
Unlimited freelancers
Manage any number of freelancers (with restricted access) at no extra costs.
Custom training arrangements
On-premise training available in most European countries
Support: Phone, portal and email
Custom test and roll-out scenarios
Custom integrations support
Integrations with certain legacy CMSs may require work on Kordiam’s side. We are there to help.
Additional security features
- Access restriction to company network
- Backup of content in xls format
- SAML: Azure AD, Okta, ADFS and Google SSO
- Stronger password security requirements
- Shorter session time-outs
- Allocation of user profiles to internal cost centers

Our Sales team is here to answer all your questions
Do you have specific questions or want us to show you how Kordiam works before you dive in yourself? Our account managers are here for you!
- Demos tailored to your needs
- Experts in content planning
- Industry specific expertise