Keep your eyes on the big picture, no matter what urgent work may pop up. With the Kordiam Topics page, you get a structural overview of all content topics, plus complete control of operational content scheduling.


Mirror your content strategy 

Stop using inefficient spreadsheets to reflect your content strategy. Centralize and visualize your core topics and strategy across teams and locations with our Topics Page.

The Topics feature gives you a structural overview of your content, including the core dimensions of your strategy, such as converting topics or buyer journey phases.

Break down your strategy into multiple levels, ensuring the organizational vision and leadership buy-in for your content operations.

Get a structural content overview with the Kordiam topics page content calendar tool
Adjust your campaign and content schedule in real-time easily with Kordiam Topics Page


Orchestrate campaigns or major news coverages

Get a bird’s-eye view of your public coverage — from elections to marketing campaigns — as well as upcoming content.

Break down all relevant initiatives, key events, and news under a specific topic. 

With our simple drag-and-drop interface, you can quickly move your entire coverage schedule or campaign in real-time.


Avoid scheduling conflicts

Assign undated stories to specific publication dates by dragging them onto the date grid, or re-schedule previously scheduled content pieces.

You can even drag and drop an entire campaign (with all of its associated content) to new dates.

Optimize your content schedule to avoid scheduling conflicts with Kordiam's Topics page
Utilize our flexible filterings to fit your exact needs


Adjust the view to fit your exact needs

Need to see the content of your election coverage or Christmas campaign as it relates to a specific persona/audience? Just filter the campaign content by persona/audience in a matter of seconds.

Use Kordiam’s comprehensive filtering options to generate the exact view of your strategy that you need. Print it as a PDF file to share it with your colleagues. 

Managing topics

Organize your topics 

Enter a comprehensive briefing, description, or link to a related content file to add identifying information to each and every topic.

Stay organized by assigning your key topics with a #hashtag and different colors.

Notice a sub-topic that serves your audience's needs better? Turn it into a key topic by simply dragging & dropping it to the designated area, ensuring your team generates enough content for it.

Organize your topics easily with the Kordiam content calendar tool

Get your 30-day free trial today!