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Editorial Days
2 minutes read

One of Switzerland's leading dailies, the Berner Zeitung (BZ) has been steadily updating their website to make it both more efficient and timely. To do that they've examined the production process and advanced it with the aim of publishing stories earlier in the day.

The newsroom now plans the next day's online publishing by the end of the previous afternoon – with a little help from Kordiam's editorial calendar.

Dominic Ramel
Dominic Ramel

The man charged with convincing the newsroom that planning is part and parcel of news flow is Dominic Ramel. BZ's Planning Chief – a new role for 2016.

He supports the department heads and maps out medium and long term planning; maximising precious resources by coordinating projects across several departments.

That means that time-costly resources like rich media and video reports are scheduled and produced within their time budget and on target for the next day. He is at Editorial Days to explain exactly how he performs that particular daily miracle.

Dominic was our speaker at the Kordiam Editorial Days in Hamburg (8/9 June 2016).