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Editorial Days
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Are you curious to discover how Kordiam users leverage editorial calendar software to elevate their content planning strategies? Kordiam delves into interviews with its users to uncover insights on optimizing editorial calendar software for streamlined workflows and enhanced productivity.

At the Editorial Days 2016, Kordiam's founder, Matthias Kretschmer, shared invaluable insights drawn from extensive user interviews. These insights led to the identification of top-tier story planning strategies and best practices.

Matthias Kretschmer

One of the primary findings revolved around the significant variations in planning approaches among Kordiam customers. This diversity dispels any notion of a uniform approach, showcasing the dynamic realities within newsrooms.

There were some findings that stood out generally, however, and there some individual recommendations from clients that we feel are worth sharing.

Want to get ahead? Plan ahead

Those newsrooms considered to be the highest performers reported up to 800% of their stories were planned more than six days ahead of publication. Conversely those newsrooms at the other end of the scale reported exactly the opposite - that nearly 80% of their stories were not planned six days ahead.

Editors need to enter stories in Kordiam  for themselves

Kordiam's customer feedback highlights the critical role of individual story entry by editors themselves. This practice eliminates unnecessary workloads and delays, proving that direct input is key for effective content management.

Moreover, customer experiences emphasize the importance of clarity in entry descriptions. Entries should be easily understandable to anyone accessing them for the first time, ensuring transparency and coherence in the editorial calendar.

Not all stories are equal and there proved to be two main exceptions to the rule of editors entering their own stories

  1. Invitations: Stories/story ideas that are essentially invitations or appointments (press conferences for example) were best managed by a central administrator such as a secretary.  How these invitations were then handled varied depending on newsroom custom but in at least one example the secretary monitoring them was also the person who allocated attending/responding duties to the staff. 

  2. News feeds: Monitoring news feed from external sources was also an area that required centralisation for maximum efficiency with the entering and assigning of stories from feeds being done by a central news manager.

edpIntegrating that into the content flow

Integration into existing content management systems (CMS) is acknowledged as advantageous, allowing some publishers to plan the sequence of story appearances across various platforms, including social media.

Best practices for editing

Regarding the editing process, distinct user techniques emerge. Some clients initiate the editing process directly within Kordiam, often utilizing the software during editorial meetings via mobile devices. This on-the-fly editing is set to gain momentum with Kordiam's upcoming mobile application launch.

End of day, close of play?

An intriguing point raised is the emphasis on seeing the end of the day as the beginning of the next. A formal end-of-day review facilitates adapting content, platforms, and publication schedules to meet consumer demands effectively.


Usage of 'status levels' within Kordiam falls into three categories; decision making, priority setting, and production.

Decision-making includes the pitches and proposals process, their acceptance, rejection, or hold status, and whether a proposal throws up further questions that need to be addressed. 

Kordiam users have found status levels within the software highly beneficial, aiding decision-making, priority setting, and production management. Additionally, the system effectively flags stories that won't be published, ensuring visibility and avoiding oversights.

How much is too much?

The volume of stories entered into Kordiam varies between large and small organizations. While smaller entities benefit from systematic entry of main stories, larger and more complex organizations find comprehensive tracking essential for effective workflow management.

Ultimately, the success of Kordiam correlates with increased usage and organizational success. Embracing Kordiam's features comprehensively often leads to greater achievements in newsroom productivity and content management.

Experience the power of Kordiam firsthand with our FREE trial!