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Here at Kordiam, we are excited to announce the integration of our enterprise content planning software with MS Active Directory. This integration addresses a key challenge for many enterprises: managing the increasing number of applications employees use, including content planning tools like Kordiam.

Many enterprises see the number of applications their employees use increase steeply. And an ever-growing number of those are SaaS tools with content planning software like Kordiam being one of them. At the same time, employees expect a smooth user experience with the ability to log in to an application with as little hassle as possible.

With this in mind, we implemented and released the first version of our integration with MS Active Directory. It allows employees to log in with their usual MS AD credentials, simplifying access to Kordiam’s robust content planning capabilities.

In Q1 and Q2 of 2020, we will release federation features so that admins can create and deactivate Kordiam user profiles straight from MS Active Directory. This enhancement will further streamline workflow management and improve efficiency for large and enterprise customers.

With the steady increase in the number of our large and enterprise customers for our content planning software, we believe we have made using Kordiam a bit more hassle-free than before.

Why Kordiam's Content Planning Software Integration Matters

For enterprises managing complex content strategies across multiple platforms, integrating with MS Active Directory simplifies content management systems. This ensures seamless coordination across teams and enhances security by centralizing user authentication and profile management.

Benefits of the Integration

  • Simplified Login Process: Employees can use their MS Active Directory credentials to access Kordiam, reducing the need for multiple passwords and improving security.

  • Centralized User Management: Admins can manage user profiles directly from MS Active Directory, making it easier to onboard and offboard employees.

  • Enhanced Security: Centralized authentication reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

  • Improved Workflow Management: Streamlined access and profile management help teams focus on content creation and strategy rather than administrative tasks.

How to Get Started

To learn how to integrate Kordiam with MS Active Directory, visit our detailed guides available in English and German.

By addressing the needs of enterprises for a seamless and secure content planning tool, Kordiam continues to lead the way in enhancing editorial planning and workflow management.