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Editorial Days
2 minutes read

Mayo Clinic is widely regarded as one of the United States' greatest hospitals and ranked No. 1 in the country as well as being a non-profit medical practice and medical research group based in Rochester, Minnesota. It employs more than 4,500 physicians and scientists and 57,100 allied health staff, spending over $660 million a year on research in the process.

Spreading the word about its findings, in a reliable and timely way is the job of the Mayo News Network.

Part of Mayo Clinic’s mission is to share the knowledge and expertise of its 4,600 physicians, scientists and researchers with anyone who might benefit from it. Audiences not only include the scientific community, journalists, patients and the public in Mayo’s home territories of Arizona, Florida and Minnesota, but across the U.S. and the world via a centrally located newsroom.

With an internal audience of 65,000 employees and an external audience of medical experts and journalists, Mayo faces a significant demand not only to keep up with daily needs of publishing but to maximize content across dozens of platforms, all the while ensuring that stories are correct, fully attributed and with traceable version history.

That makes Axel Gumbel (@Social_Axel), a communication specialist in Mayo’s Department of Public Affairs an expert in rolling out Kordiam, with the goal of maximizing collaboration across teams at the point of content conception, trimming email trees and creating new workflows.

Axel shared his tips and best practices at Kordiam Editorial Days 2017.