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Editorial Days
2 minutes read

Convergence and cross-media mean new challenges, and new challenges bring the need for new skills.

In the process the day of the one-size-fits-all media tool is over - fast changing user behaviour demands quick and ever-more efficient responses from the newsroom. To help editors keep up with that they need the best tools available, and the sheer speed of change means it is no longer feasible to keep customising monolithic CMS and legacy systems.

André (Andi) Maerz tells us how the Neue Zürcher Zeitung has chosen and implemented best of breed tools to deal with that issue.

André Maerz Project Manager at the newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung


After 10 years in print media, Andi Maerz (@alpentapir) started exploring the possibilities of the Internet in 1995, including media and community websites, picture and text data bases as well as online shops.

Since 2008 he has focused on organisational aspects of media production including the set up and launch of newsrooms with various media companies. André has been with NZZ (one of the world's greatest newspapers) since 2011 as project and newsroom manager.

He is an expert in newsroom organisation, editorial management tools, scheduling, and keeping one step ahead of the digital arms race that is editorial tools development.

Andi was our speaker at the Kordiam Editorial Days in Hamburg (8/9 June 2016).