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Editorial Days
4 minutes read

Kordiam CEO Matthias Kretschmer hosted a panel featuring Christopher Pramstaller, Analyst and Audience Development Editor at Süddeutsche Zeitung Digitale Medien, Samuli Leivonniemi, Head of News at Helsingin Sanomat, and David Guardado, Head of Digital Transformation at Prensa Ibérica Digital. This geographically diverse group of publishers shared a common goal: enhancing content strategy and newsroom management through content planning software

Panel Insights: Challenges and Solutions 

David Guardado, leading the digital transformation at Spain's largest regional media group, discussed the complex journey of implementing a content strategy software. "We started with a freemium subscription model in 2014, which was unique at the time as the big players were hesitant. Despite initial challenges, we focused on providing in-depth articles, which we termed 'a fondo'. This strategy has doubled our subscription base in just three months." 

The Importance of Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment 

A key takeaway from the Editorial Days 2019 was the necessity of ongoing content monitoring and adjustment. Guardado emphasized, "Publishing a story is just the beginning. We conducted AB tests, modified user experiences, and identified engagement peaks. This approach significantly increased our subscription rates and reduced churn." 

Retention Over Acquisition 

Guardado also highlighted the shift from focusing solely on acquisition to prioritizing retention. "A robust retention model is essential. Only fifty percent of our subscribers are loyal users, so we must work on loyalty beyond the point of subscription." 

Editorial Insights from Industry Leaders 

Matthias Kretschmer questioned Samuli Leivonniemi about intercepting and reconverting churned subscribers. Leivonniemi affirmed, "You must continually strive to improve. We use the 'diamonds' approach but also constantly enhance our news service." 

Christopher Pramstaller stressed the necessity of evolving traditional working practices. "Continuous monitoring of the editorial approach is now essential. Collaboration with editors to identify crucial content areas has become a standard practice." 

Streamlining Content Planning Tools 

Christopher Pramstaller advocated for streamlined content planning tools. "Editors desire a centralized system that integrates all necessary analytics. The goal is fewer open screens, combining CMS, planning tools, social media tools, and analytics into one." 

Samuli Leivonniemi agreed but warned against overcomplicating systems. "I am no fan of CMS systems that try to do everything because usually, they don't do it well. I like small systems that do one thing well, but as a user, you don't want to hop between multiple tools all day." 

The Pitfalls of Editing by Analytics Alone 

In terms of the growing sophistication of tools and editorial by analytics, Christopher Pramstaller warned of over-dependence on algorithms. "It's like driving a car. The dashboard can tell you that you're traveling at 50km/h, but if the road looks slippery, you need that editorial gut feeling to decide to brake." 

Implementing content planning software effectively in newsrooms requires a blend of robust tools and continuous editorial monitoring. By learning from industry leaders and focusing on both acquisition and retention, newsrooms can enhance their content strategy and improve reader loyalty. Embrace the best practices and insights shared by experts to streamline your content planning and newsroom management processes.