Connect your Drupal sites with the Kordiam editorial calendar tool and sync data between the two systems.

How it works

Stories planned in Kordiam are sent to Drupal

Kordiam helps media and communications teams plan and manage their stories and content.

With the Drupal integration, story data created on Kordiam is automatically sent to your Drupal website and creates an unpublished article — streamlining your content planning and production workflow.

Kordiam editorial calendar plugin for Drupal
Bidirectional sync between Drupal and Kordiam editorial calendar tool for breaking news

Two-way Sync

Breaking news originating in Drupal is sent back to Kordiam

Have breaking news and need to publish immediately on your Drupal site? The integration sends story data back to Kordiam from Drupal, ensuring that story lists on your content planning tool are as up to date as what’s on your website.

Various Drupal Sites

Connect Kordiam to multiple sites and always stay current

Are you a big organization with multiple sites, maybe on several different content management systems? No problem — Kordiam connects with them all.

Send story and planning data to all your websites and receive updates back from those systems so story lists are up to date and reflect what’s live.

Next steps

Contact us to learn more about the integration

The Kordiam to Drupal integration has been implemented and successfully used by many of our international customers.

Please contact us to learn how you can combine the Kordiam content calendar tool with your Drupal sites.

Get your 30-day free trial today!