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Editorial Days
2 minutes read

This blog post refers to Desk-Net, which has since changed its name to Kordiam.

In her presentation at our Editorial Days, Prof. Dr. Wiebke Loosen proposed two main theses: the changes in journalism are more than just technological and involve shifts in working routines and orientations, and ChatGPT goes beyond human-machine interaction and is part of a broader communication trend.

Prof. Dr. Loosen presented four forms of datafied journalism, including data journalism, automated journalism, algorithmic journalism and metrics journalism, which represent different usages of data in the journalism workflow.

She highlighted the importance of assessing the long-term changes brought about by automation in journalism, instead of just the latest advancements.

A survey of German journalists revealed that data generation and tracking user behavior are somewhat prevalent, yet automated journalism is still not widely used.

Prof. Dr. Loosen addressed the concerns and worries of journalists about AI and automation, which may disrupt their professional identity. She suggested a balanced approach and self-reflection as these technologies continue to develop.

She concluded her presentation by emphasizing the broader societal implications of communicative AI and the transformative nature of automation in journalism, urging newsroom managers and decision-makers to take a holistic approach to the integration of technology in journalism practices.

Watch the recording of Prof. Dr. Wiebke Loosen's engaging presentation below: