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Kordiam is a specialized editorial content planning software designed for newsrooms and corporate communications teams. The Kordiam CMS has achieved seamless integration with InterRed, a leading content management system used widely in the publishing sector.

This bidirectional integration ensures that changes made in Kordiam or InterRed reflect instantly across both platforms, enhancing efficiency in editorial workflows.

The initial deployment of this integration has been successfully executed at Rheinische Post, a top-tier newsroom in Germany. Horst Thoren, deputy editor-in-chief at Rheinische Post, has expressed satisfaction with the integration:

"With the new Kordiam interface, planning and production are intricately connected. Leveraging Kordiam for planning while maintaining efficient publishing through InterRed has significantly enhanced our editorial processes. We are thrilled with the results."

Plans are currently underway to extend this integration to three additional newsrooms within the Rheinische Post consortium in the coming months.

Discover more about Kordiam integrations Interested in exploring how Kordiam can optimize your editorial content planning? Learn more about Kordiam and its seamless integration with InterRed here.

Meta Description: Discover the seamless integration of Kordiam and InterRed, optimizing editorial workflows for newsrooms and corporate communications teams.