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Editorial Days
2 minutes read

What do you do when terrorism strikes, not in your capital city, or the country next door, but 2km up the road? When it turns out that you have photos of the person involved from part of your regular coverage of your region? When the nature of the attack transforms your social media comments into a politically-charged and ongoing debate?

That's exactly the position Main-Post found itself in when a radicalised refugee armed himself and inflicted serious injuries on innocent bystanders. His chosen target was a train that came to a halt just 2km from the paper's print plant. His actions, plus his background in the region, previously reported in the paper, brought the subject of terrorism home to paper and readers alike.

Main-Post is a regional paper from Würzburg, Northern Bavaria with a circulation of around 135,000 copies per day and some 2.5 million visits a month to its website. It is very much 'founded and grounded' in its region according to Andreas Kemper, Managing Editor, and member of the Board of Editors at Main-Post Media Group. 

Main-Post was one of Kordiam's earliest clients in Germany, starting back in 2008, and Andreas Kemper has been responsible for managing digital workflow and using Kordiam to improve transparency and collaboration.

He comes to Kordiam Editorial Days 2017 in Hamburg to explain what he and his team did with this seismic situation, and the resulting demand for information, all the while staying on top of the fierce activity it sparked on social media.
