Editorial assignments in Slack

Receive assignments in your favorite messaging tool

Kordiam automatically sends new assignments to Slack users on your team.

Messages can include the story slug, description, attachments, event data and even a link that takes the recipient straight to the assignment in Kordiam. 

Newsroom assignments sent to Slack from Kordiam
Receive updates to assignments in Slack from Kordiam

Updates to Assignments

Receive updates to your assignments via Slack

Comments from your editor? Changes to the deadline?

Kordiam sends a message to you via Slack with all changes clearly highlighted. 

Stories to Slack Groups

Send Stories to Slack for discussion

Need to discuss story ideas in Slack with a specific team in your newsroom?

Thanks to the Slack integration, Kordiam lets you send a story straight from any content calendar list to a Slack group.

Simply enter a comment, select the appropriate group and hit Send — done. 

Send Stories to Slack Groups from the Kordiam Editorial calendar

Next steps

Contact us to learn more about the integration

The Kordiam to Slack integration has been implemented and successfully used by many of our international customers. Please contact us to learn how you can combine the Kordiam editorial content calendar tool and your team’s Slack. 

Get your 30-day free trial today!