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Communications Planning
5 minutes read

Kordiam offers an effective content calendar tool that is perfect for integrating platforms and collaborating with employees worldwide. Its core mechanics enables mid, large, and global corporations to synchronize their schedules and workflow with ease.

Kordiam clients love that this content calendar software is versatile and can be programmed to match your company’s level of depth, size, and internal systems perfectly. This enables a truly customized solution to fit your specific needs no matter what they are.

Here is why Kordiam is the best enterprise content calendar for global corporations that want to utilize the full potential of the content they create.

Benefits of using an enterprise content calendar tool like Kordiam 

There are many benefits to using a content calendar tool to amp up productivity and unify your global and remote workforce. Here are a few Kordiam features that are especially useful for this purpose:

Suited for organizations with complex demands: Kordiam is suited for organizations with complex demands. While this type of software can easily tackle the needs of a basic content calendar, it also offers a wide array of more advanced features that make Kordiam invaluable to any business.

Campaign, Persona, and Audience management: The Topics feature offers you a structural overview of your content topics and lets you have complete control over your operational content scheduling. You can reflect and manage content for the core dimensions of your strategy such as Campaigns, Buyer Personas, Converting topics, and more.

Publication schedule: Scheduling a publication is often a hassle. Therefore, a tool like Kordiam can help you keep up to date with your publication schedule in the short, mid, and long term. You can schedule a host of different publications many months in advance, so you are never scrambling to get that newest issue out before the deadline.

Staff coordination: Staff and schedule coordination is one of the most challenging tasks for most businesses because of each employee's different needs. However, with Kordiam, all you need to do is plug in the data and have a ready-made schedule for each employee.

Task management: The task management feature allows you to ensure everyone knows what they need to do and when they need to have it done. Through this system, you can assign tasks, collaboration teams, and staff to anyone, regardless of where they are. Plus, each team member can update their progress in real-time, making this task management system compatible for any mid to large organizations worldwide.

Cost-efficient with simple integrations: Kordiam is cost-efficient, as it provides simple integrations that enhance functionality through the use of many other popular tools such as:

What sets Kordiam apart from other content planning tools

With Kordiam, you can always have a clear overview of planned content, just like other content planning tools. However, Kordiam sets itself apart by offering more elaborate content planning features that can be tailored to your team's evolving strategy making it possible to improve your content as you see fit.

Here are some of the elaborate content planning features that Kordiam offers:

Recurring story: Often, there are continually specific types of stories on your news feed. An example is a news feature, a sports column, or an employee of the week. With Kordiam, you can set this story (or stories) as a Recurring story. Take the hassle out of recreating the specific dimensions and look of the column each time you run that type of feature.

Advanced planning: You can schedule publications through various filters, including:

  • Campaign
  • Author
  • Topic
    • Sub-topic
  • Timeframe
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • Yearly

Additionally, you can access data reports to showcase how your content is performing. This feature takes the guesswork out of where you need to focus more effort or whether or not you should re-evaluate your content plans.

Availability pages: This feature allows you to see what team members are working on in real-time! Availability pages are beneficial for keeping track of which team members are working on different projects. It also becomes handy for tracking the time of your consultants alongside their deliverables.

Kordiam is a feature-rich content calendar tool. This software's dynamic and multi-faceted integrations make it the best fit for enterprises. It makes content planning simple so you can effectively maintain content consistency, team management, and structural efficiency.